Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pneumonia symptoms can be mild or severe ...

Introduction Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs and affects people of all ages. Lightweight suffer inflammation which is caused by microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi. can also lead to lead to pneumonia. This is a chronic disease. Pneumonia is an inflammation in one or both lungs. Pneumonia can be spread through sneezing and >> << is contagious. Pneumonia symptoms can be mild or severe, depending on the cause, age and basic conditions for health. Pneumonia symptoms can vary in different people. This condition can cause serious complications, including heart failure and respiratory failure, and is known to be fatal. Pneumonia treatment may include hospitalization, but can be treated at home in mild cases. Pneumonia caused by pneumonia causes a different type of bacteria or microorganisms. Usually our body gets rid of germs through our. When sprouts are still unable to access the lungs and cause infection, it may be due to:

your body, protecting against harmful microbes by various protective mechanisms, including immune system. An example is when you cough. Coughing stops harmful germs from reaching your lungs. But if embryos are somehow to do to your lungs, immune system responds by sending attack cells to kill germs. This causes the air sacs (alveoli) to ignite and pour liquid. This inflammation manifested as symptoms of pneumonia

pneumoniae, the most common bacteria that cause pneumonia in adults, may occur by itself or with infections.

. People are more prone to severe fungal infection are those who have weak immune system due to strong basic conditions for health. People who use drugs strattera without prescritpion suppress the immune system over time are also at risk. Viral pneumonia often mild attack. The most common causes of pneumonia

virus type found in adults because of the virus. Respiratory viruses are the most common cause of pneumonia in children under five age group per year. Pneumonia Symptoms of small, painful breathing, rapid pulse, is the first

pneumonia symptoms. Pneumonia is difficult to identify. Symptoms can vary depending on the cause and age of the victim. Pneumonia symptoms can mimic other signs of diseases and conditions, including colds and flu. In addition, symptoms may vary for different people. Possible signs and symptoms of pneumonia include: blunt treatment of pneumonia, the type and severity are taken into account before any treatment of pneumonia. To diagnose pneumonia, a doctor conducts routine physical examination. Additional tests include sputum Gram and blood. In addition, the doctor takes your medical history into account. Patients with severe pneumonia signs and symptoms related to the hospital. In mild cases can be taken care of

3 beneficial effects of bacteria

pneumonia treatment at home. This includes fluid intake at short intervals, often taking the appropriate amount of rest and using humidifier. The doctor also prescribe over the counter medications to relieve symptoms. Pneumonia Prevention proper hygiene practices: the place is the most important step for prevention of pneumonia. Your hands to catch germs infected surfaces through daily activities. Wash your hands often with soap if possible. Make it a habit especially before eating and after visiting the toilet. Quit Smoking: How does light more prone to infections, including pneumonia. Healthy lifestyle: does the immune system strong. Include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Take appropriate, regular exercise, social activities, take time outdoors. Avoid sick people: patients and places like hospitals. This increases the likelihood of infection. .

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