Wednesday, February 22, 2012

People can say that they regularly wash their hands ...

The study in the UK, 16 percent of cell phone sample are intestinal bacteria that can lead to seizures, nausea and diarrhea. Researchers say the bacteria that really should be limited to the intestine, is on mobile phones (and carts, door handles and all places of previous studies), simply because people do not wash their hands. During the study, 95 percent of people said samples that use water and soap for washing hands, but 92 percent of phones were a lot of bacteria on them. Peter Barratt, CTO, said the "shocking and research shows the importance of effective hygiene. It is important that people take hand hygiene seriously and that companies offer their employees and customers a practical way to protect yourself, to help fight the spread of disease. "

E. coli can cause more than indigestion. Bacteria can spread to food and was involved as a cause in June 2011 outbreak of food poisoning in Germany from Escherichia coli 0157 spot, which caused some of the victims. For the study, researchers went to 12 cities to try and bacteria on your mobile phone and the hands of people. They also asked about hand washing habits of mobile phone users. high levels of E. coli in the hands was found in London. Cell Phone faecal bacteria were most common in Birmingham. There was a direct link between cell phone germs and bacteria on hands. further north, researchers followed more bacteria they found. dirty place was in Glasgow. Research shows that handwashing is a joke for improving the spread of germs may be limited to simply taking the time for personal hygiene - especially after using the toilet, "Our analysis revealed some interesting results across the UK .. Although some cities were much better than others, that E. coli was present on telephones and hand in any place shows that it is a nationwide problem. People can say that they regularly wash their hands, but science suggests otherwise. "

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Escherichia coli can survive for cheap strattera hours. Sunlight kills bacteria. Door handles, food carts, toilet bowls, hands, and now cell phones have been implicated in the spread of viruses and bacteria. Expert care and the UK campaign leader Dr. Val Curtis, of, said: "This study again shows that some people still do not wash their hands properly, especially after using the toilet. I hope that the idea that E. coli in the hands and phones calls upon them to exercise more care in the bathroom - wash hands with soap and water, such a simple thing to do, but no doubt it saves lives. "

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